
Surgery Closed - Thursday 4th July from 1.00pm

The surgery will be closed on Thursday 4th July 2024 at 1pm and will re-open on Friday 5th July at 8.00am. 

If you have a medical emergency, such as chest pain or difficulties breathing, please hang up now and call 999.  

If you require medical assistance before 6.30 this evening, and this cannot wait until the practice reopens tomorrow morning, please call 0300 123 5491. If you need medical assistance after 6.30pm this evening, please log onto NHS 111 online or call 111.

Get help for your symptoms - NHS 111

Surgery Summer Newsletter 2024

Moorland Medical Centre Summer Newsletter 2024

PCN Patient Survey 2024

Leek and Biddulph Primary Care Network (PCN) Ltd comprises of the following 5 GP Practices:

Leek Health Centre, Leek

Moorland Medical Centre, Leek

Park Medical Centre, Leek

Biddulph Doctors, Biddulph

Biddulph Valley Surgery, Biddulph

Together, the practices and PCN serve nearly 50,000 patients.  Our practices work together to deliver at scale services such as Occupational Therapy, First Contact Physiotherapy, Social Prescribing to name a few.  We have a team of 32 staff that are directly employed by the PCN and who are dedicated to improving patient care and services across Leek and Biddulph.

This patient survey will be used to explore patients views on how our PCN and Practices are doing.  We will report the results in a future edition of our Newsletter and on Social Media.

Please click on the link below to complete the survey, thank you.

Join the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent People's Panel. Help inform health and care services in your local area, by taking part in several short online surveys throughout the year.  

Visit our website on People's Panel - Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, Integrated Care Board (

We are inviting members of the public to play an active role in helping to improve these services, for the benefit of everyone.
Wherever you live in Staffordshire or Stoke-on-Trent and whatever your background, your experiences are important to us and can help to make a difference to health and care services in your local area.
This isn’t a tick-box exercise – it’s borne out of a genuine desire to put local people at the heart of everything the Integrated Care Board does.
Your views really do matter. As a member of the panel, we will:

Invite you to tell us your views about services you are interested in through regular short online surveys.

Enter you into a prize draw with the chance of winning one of two £50 love2shop vouchers for each survey you take part in.

Send you a newsletter twice a year – to provide updates about the panel, explain how your comments have been used to shape healthcare locally and to share news about health care providers in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.

Primary Care Network (PCN)

Primary Care Network

PCN Patient Survey 2024

Leek and Biddulph Primary Care Network (PCN) Ltd comprises of the following 5 GP Practices:

Leek Health Centre, Leek

Moorland Medical Centre, Leek

Park Medical Centre, Leek

Biddulph Doctors, Biddulph

Biddulph Valley Surgery, Biddulph

Together, the practices and PCN serve nearly 50,000 patients.  Our practices work together to deliver at scale services such as Occupational Therapy, First Contact Physiotherapy, Social Prescribing to name a few.  We have a team of 32 staff that are directly employed by the PCN and who are dedicated to improving patient care and services across Leek and Biddulph.

This patient survey will be used to explore patients views on how our PCN and Practices are doing.  We will report the results in a future edition of our Newsletter and on Social Media.

Please click on the link below to complete the survey, thank you.

Leek and Biddulph PCN Poster

PCN Organisational Structure October 23

PCN Patient Leaflet

NHS Social Prescribing Leaflet

What are primary care networks?

Primary Care Networks are a new way for several general practices to collaborate. They are in-tended to help practices:

• to offer more co-ordinated services,
• to provide better ways for patients to access a wider range of health care

In July 2019 we joined the Leek and Biddulph PCN, forming a group of five practices which in-clude:

• biddulphdoctors
• Biddulph Valley Surgery
• Leek Health Centre
• Moorland Medical Centre
• Park Medical Centre.

Why are they being set-up?

In January 2019 NHS England published a 10-year plan for the
NHS. It is designed to tackle 3 key issues. These are:

• Limits to the amount of funding
• Shortages of clinical staff, especially GPs
• Growing pressures from an increasing and ageing population.

Practices will work together and will, with other health services providers make patient care more co-ordinated and easier to access, whilst making the GP workload sustainable.

What is happening in 2019/2020?

The Leek and Biddulph PCN came into existence in July 2019, a clinical lead (Director) was elect-ed, this is Dr Neil Briscoe. The two main objectives this year for the PCN will be to form relation-ships with local community healthcare providers, and recruit two new members of staff for the PCN. Specifically these roles are for a Clinical Pharmacist and a Social Prescribing Linkworker. Some practices already have these professionals working in the surgery, but these services will now be available in all practices.

What is planned for the next few years?

From April 2020 Funding for additional types of health professionals will be made available to all PCNs, this will include Physiotherapists and Physician Associates (a new clinical role) and from 2021 Community Paramedics.
The NHS Long Term Plan also outlines some specific areas on which networks will be asked to fo-cus. In 2020 they will be asked to work as a network on providing improved services to care homes, better early cancer diagnosis, and more co-ordinated care with other community services.

How will these changes affect you?

You may not notice much change during 2019, especially in practices that already provide clinical pharmacist and/or social prescribing services. As we develop we anticipate you will experience easier access to the most appropriate healthcare professional. There will also be appointments available across the member practice outside of core hours including weekends and evenings.

How can patients have a say in any planned changes?

In the Leek and Biddulph PCN we are keen to involve our patients in the network development, in the first instance we would encourage you to liaise with your practice Patient Participation Group. Every practice has to have a Patient Participation Group and these details can be found on our member practices’ individual websites. Your own practice manager should also be able to tell you about how our group operates.

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