
Surgery Closed - Thursday 4th July from 1.00pm

The surgery will be closed on Thursday 4th July 2024 at 1pm and will re-open on Friday 5th July at 8.00am. 

If you have a medical emergency, such as chest pain or difficulties breathing, please hang up now and call 999.  

If you require medical assistance before 6.30 this evening, and this cannot wait until the practice reopens tomorrow morning, please call 0300 123 5491. If you need medical assistance after 6.30pm this evening, please log onto NHS 111 online or call 111.

Get help for your symptoms - NHS 111

Surgery Summer Newsletter 2024

Moorland Medical Centre Summer Newsletter 2024

PCN Patient Survey 2024

Leek and Biddulph Primary Care Network (PCN) Ltd comprises of the following 5 GP Practices:

Leek Health Centre, Leek

Moorland Medical Centre, Leek

Park Medical Centre, Leek

Biddulph Doctors, Biddulph

Biddulph Valley Surgery, Biddulph

Together, the practices and PCN serve nearly 50,000 patients.  Our practices work together to deliver at scale services such as Occupational Therapy, First Contact Physiotherapy, Social Prescribing to name a few.  We have a team of 32 staff that are directly employed by the PCN and who are dedicated to improving patient care and services across Leek and Biddulph.

This patient survey will be used to explore patients views on how our PCN and Practices are doing.  We will report the results in a future edition of our Newsletter and on Social Media.

Please click on the link below to complete the survey, thank you.

Join the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent People's Panel. Help inform health and care services in your local area, by taking part in several short online surveys throughout the year.  

Visit our website on People's Panel - Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, Integrated Care Board (

We are inviting members of the public to play an active role in helping to improve these services, for the benefit of everyone.
Wherever you live in Staffordshire or Stoke-on-Trent and whatever your background, your experiences are important to us and can help to make a difference to health and care services in your local area.
This isn’t a tick-box exercise – it’s borne out of a genuine desire to put local people at the heart of everything the Integrated Care Board does.
Your views really do matter. As a member of the panel, we will:

Invite you to tell us your views about services you are interested in through regular short online surveys.

Enter you into a prize draw with the chance of winning one of two £50 love2shop vouchers for each survey you take part in.

Send you a newsletter twice a year – to provide updates about the panel, explain how your comments have been used to shape healthcare locally and to share news about health care providers in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.

Teaching, Training and Research

Teaching and Training

Our practice is committed to assist in the training of other health professionals from medical students, nurses to trainee GPs or General Practitioners.

Fully qualified doctors with experience in hospital medicine who wish to become GPs join the practice and spend from 6 to 18 months working here, sharing all aspects of medical care with the primary health care team. The trainee GPs are closely supervised by the regular doctors and bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the team. Their training includes seeing patients in surgery, sometimes on their own and sometimes with another doctor present, home visits and learning how to deal with emergencies. Occasionally video-taping a consultation allows the trainee GP to improve their clinical and communication skills. Video-taping is only done with the patients consent and is completely confidential. Should you be asked to take part in a video and you do not wish to then please say so and you will not be videoed. If you agree to be videoed then change your mind afterwards please let the trainee GP know and they can immediately erase the video. Any videos are kept for a maximum period of the trainee’s time here at the surgery, once they leave the surgery the videos are erased. It is a valuable way for the trainee GP to learn and we appreciate and would like to say a public ‘thank you’ to all the patients who do allow themselves to be videoed.

We also help to train medical students from Keele University with a varying degree of experience. Some are first years gaining their first experiences of studying medicine; some are final years and getting ready to take their qualifying exams. If a medical student is working with the doctor or nurse you are seeing you will be asked to give consent to the student being present. Occasionally we may ask if the student could chat to you first briefly before being seen by your usual doctor or nurse. Once again the consultations are strictly confidential. We are grateful to all our patients that assist with the training of the next generation of doctors.

Nurses training to become practice nurses, midwives, district nurses may also be attached to the practice. Usually they accompany the person they are training to be, so a student nurse accompanies our practice nurse or nurse practitioner. You will be asked to give consent to these students being present and again it is strictly confidential. If you do agree we would once again like to thank you for you co-operation.

Clinical Research

The Practice is involved with medical research in partnership with Keele University, National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) and other researchers as listed below.

If you have any questions or would rather not receive invitations to participate in research, please contact Fran Guy, Practice Manager on 01538 399008 or email 

This Practice is proud to be involved in research


Clinical research is taking place at this Surgery – you may be asked to take part in a study.


Or you can ask your doctor or nurse if there’s a study suitable for you.


If you would rather not receive invitations to participate in research from us, please inform the reception desk

UK EDI Pancreatic Study

"UK-EDI is a research programme funded by Cancer Research UK which will explore the link between new-onset diabetes and pancreatic cancer with the aim of finding ways to diagnose pancreatic cancer earlier.

Most cases of type 2 diabetes are due to lifestyle or genetic factors. However, in approximately 1 in 100 people, a new diagnosis of type 2 diabetes could be an early warning sign of pancreatic cancer.

Through this research the study hopes to develop a diagnostic test for use in individuals newly diagnosed with diabetes which will identify those most at risk of pancreatic cancer, allowing them to be screened."

Elsa Type 1 Diabetes Testing in Children PIC study 

Children aged 3-13 years can get screened for type 1 diabetes in the ELSA study. Find out more here:

If you wish to take part please follow the link to the webpage which has all the information to obtain a home testing kit.  

SPLAT 19 Study

SPLaT-19 Research Team at Keele Clinical Trials Unit (CYU) on 01782 732950 or

MIDAS Population Study Health Survey

WISH2, WP" Information

National Diabetes Audit
Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD)Fair Processing - Informing Patients

Medical Student Poster

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